we love china!

Monday, April 18, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Easter!

Well I must say time has just been flying by and I am overdue for an update! One of my highlights recently has been watching the kids Easter Chapel last friday. I didn't even know DJ was going to be the narrator! So sweet! And then the 1st graders (marissa's class) did this beautiful song where they twirl and "chatter with the angels". All the girls had on lovely dresses so it was so fun to watch! I will try to upload the videos but must admit i'm very technologically challenged and so it may not work!
Spring has sprung here and we are delighted to be wearing t-shirts and shorts now. It seems spring actually got forgotten because it's definitely warm enough to be summer! but either way, i'll take it! I need some much needed Vitamin D!
Later this week we have our easter egg hunt and then potluck and then on Sunday we'll have easter services and another potluck! hmmm...wonder if we'll fit into our easter dresses by the end of the day! but most importantly we've been going through the true meaning of Easter with the kids. What a delight to have them understand the depth of it all. Our friend Jesus is our hope!
Next week will be Marissa's birthday. My big girl is almost 7! I can't believe it. She's having 3 friends spend the night so I'm sure I'll have plenty of pictures to post for that!
Happy Easter Everyone! He is risen and because of that we are set apart. No one else nor any other "god" has ever done that.

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