we love china!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


to my shame i have not been blogging hardly at all! of course i could blame it on busyness- our dog had a tooth infection, we're moving to a new home, we're traveling to different continents in less than 2 weeks, we're finding places for min hao to stay while we're gone, and the list goes on. dave just recently returned from traveling all over west china riding camels, donkey carts, and seeing old ruins. our camera died somewhere along those travels and thus my desire to blog has been crushed without adorable pics of my kids to post with my little blogs :) needless to say, we are busy but also enjoying so many things. right now here in our little corner of china, the weather is perfect, halle is becoming a rollerblading sensation (i know this is offensive to some parents who think she is too young to skate but she is a big, strong girl and athletics is apparently in her blood!), min hao will have a new foster family come july, he and marissa have been horseback riding 2 hrs away from us and will be attending a horse pentathalon next weekend, and we have joyfully watched the changes of the many tadpoles in our pond becoming frogs. i love spring. i love the Father for creating it and how it makes you appreciate life in general.
if my camera were working i'd probably attach a pic of the kids catching tadpoles, halle in a poofy green dress next to the blooming cherry trees,

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

To my shame

Wow, I really can't believe it's been so long since I've posted. could be because of the total amount of crazy important things we've been up to :) Like Halle's 6 month post adoption report. All is well and it's taken care of. although she did manage to go through like 2 dresses (kept getting nice and dirty at the playgrounds) she was clean when the social worker arrived :). We also had Marissa's 7th birthday which was fun of course! She had 3 classmates spend the night- her first big sleepover! Where does the time go! the bummer was that DJ and Min Hao had both gone to the dinosaur museum as a field trip. Who would've known there would be a humongous traffic accident where no one moved for 6 hours so they both missed her party completely. Praise the Lord they made it home safely and blessings on those teachers and chaperones who kept a bus of 4 and 5 yr olds content and unafraid for 6 hours stalled on a freeway! Right now Dave is traveling all over western china with his juniors and seniors riding camels and going to stockyards. I'm so thankful that all 4 kids have stayed healthy and have been practically angels during these 10 days Dave is gone. They are so precious!