Easter was full of so many firsts! I loved watching Halle (and min hao) grasp the concept of hunting for easter eggs, decorating easter eggs, and running through the sprinkler (not a favorite thing yet, maybe one day). The Lord gave us a beautiful day- sunny and perfect for potlucks and time at the parks. This is one of my favorite weekends to date!
This blog is to follow our family while living here in China. Originally started to follow our journey to our daughter, Halle, whom we are delighted is home with us now! And now, we begin the next journey- one to our youngest son!
we love china!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Easter was full of so many firsts! I loved watching Halle (and min hao) grasp the concept of hunting for easter eggs, decorating easter eggs, and running through the sprinkler (not a favorite thing yet, maybe one day). The Lord gave us a beautiful day- sunny and perfect for potlucks and time at the parks. This is one of my favorite weekends to date!
Too Much Candy
Well just a few weeks ago we filled out all our papers for our post adoption report and it seemed all was well. And then we discovered candy wrappers under her pillow. hmmm....and then the next day Marissa says, "Halle has your coke in her room". Thankfully she hadn't got the lid off yet but this child has a serious sweet tooth. It could be because we don't really eat sweets around here very often- she had got the candy as some leftover we hadn't thrown away from a friends party and we do drink coke on occasion as well. It also could be that she got spoiled on it in her foster home or the orphanage. On her gotcha day her backpack was literally at least 1/4 full of candy and sweet crackers. We were shocked and as much as we wanted to take it away from her we knew we couldn't as that backpack had her 3 yrs worth of belongings. So now I'm wondering, "is it just because she's 3?" i don't think so. "is it just because she has a sweet tooth?" maybe. "does she lack self-control because she hasn't been taught it?" probably.
today was easter and we let the kids each have a certain small amount of candy in the afternoon. Tonight Dave and I and the older two were playing apples to apples while Min Hao and Halle were playing with their toys in his room. Then I realized it's uncannily quiet in there so i peeked in and what is Halle doing? Eating DJ's candy. Hmmm....still a work in progress here.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Time with Maizy
Well as my next post will be unindated (is that word?) with massive pictures of easter egg decorating and hunting this post will be about what has also been consuming our time- Maizy! This dog loves attention! So much so that when she went to the vet she was able to convince our wonderful vet to give her a bright purple cast (as if we aren't looked at enough in china now on our walks we add a dog with a purple cast on...). I had her after school one day and most of the elementary came out and pet her (yes, at the same time). She of course loved it! Then she saw DJ and she sat up all alert and as soon as he was near enough she jumped on him and gave him lots of love. Thank you Lord for this surprising gift!
Monday, April 18, 2011
It's beginning to look a lot like Easter!
Well I must say time has just been flying by and I am overdue for an update! One of my highlights recently has been watching the kids Easter Chapel last friday. I didn't even know DJ was going to be the narrator! So sweet! And then the 1st graders (marissa's class) did this beautiful song where they twirl and "chatter with the angels". All the girls had on lovely dresses so it was so fun to watch! I will try to upload the videos but must admit i'm very technologically challenged and so it may not work!
Spring has sprung here and we are delighted to be wearing t-shirts and shorts now. It seems spring actually got forgotten because it's definitely warm enough to be summer! but either way, i'll take it! I need some much needed Vitamin D!
Later this week we have our easter egg hunt and then potluck and then on Sunday we'll have easter services and another potluck! hmmm...wonder if we'll fit into our easter dresses by the end of the day! but most importantly we've been going through the true meaning of Easter with the kids. What a delight to have them understand the depth of it all. Our friend Jesus is our hope!
Next week will be Marissa's birthday. My big girl is almost 7! I can't believe it. She's having 3 friends spend the night so I'm sure I'll have plenty of pictures to post for that!
Happy Easter Everyone! He is risen and because of that we are set apart. No one else nor any other "god" has ever done that.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Marissa's Midnight Song
Marissa has been having trouble sleeping at night so she made this song to sing at night:
The Lord will take care of us when we are scared and when we are not
when we are sick we can always think of Him; when we are bad he is sad, but He still takes care of us and always still loves us. He loves it when we're happy. He always takes care of us, care of us, care of us.
Words by my angel, Marissa
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Spring Break Part 1
Well Spring Break has certainly been WAY more interesting than we'd anticipated :) God sure knows how to take your plans and make them WAY beyond what you'd expected. We'd carefully planned a "hanging out" day with friends every other day and then just family days on the other ones. We'd planned special projects and regular cleaning and learning times. For once I thought surely that I was organized :) (not me typically) and so as planned, on Monday our friends came over (2 friends for the kids) and while out on a walk we came across a stray basset hound who'd obviously been abandoned. she was dirty and limping. Having owned a Basset when in the states and having not seen one in the 2+ years of living here our hearts went out to her and we took her to the vet, gave the vet and the guard of our community our phone number in case her owners came looking for her. So far no phone calls. She's the sweetest thing but NOT what was on my agenda for Spring Break. Not on my agenda for our time in China actually! We'd had specific things we were praying for during Spring Break, not planning on praying about whether we'd be adding a dog to our family.
Other than that, we've had fun picnics on the porch, nice long walks, visits with friends, and now lots of walks WITH a dog and giving a dog a shower (at least once a day because she was dirty dirty dirty!). The boys have been doing lots of legos and Marissa has been enjoying using her new journal and pencils. I love Spring Break! I love God's gifts to me and mine :)
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