we love china!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Post Adoption Report Pictures!

These are the 5 photos we are sending in for Halle's 6 month post adoption report pictures. Mommy and Daddy had to be in all the pictures with her. We can't believe how time has flown with our fun, sweet, sassy girl :)

Sichuan Cuisine Museum

We went and toured this beautiful park and restaurant and although the day was gray we made some wonderful memories. We got to climb rocks and have a picnic, Halle learned the joy of feeding goats (she wasn't excited at first but when EVERYONE else was doing it she realized it's okay and loved it!), and we enjoyed sweet fellowship with friends. I think the pictures say it better than I could write it :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Getting Sweeter with Time

All week I've been absolutely cherishing each day with Halle. She truly has gotten so much sweeter with time! It's such an encouragement to see her being silly with Dave, being so excited to see us when we pick her up from daycare, to be happy to sit by anyone (not only me) in our family, to dress up with her friends, and most importantly (hehehe) to only pout instead of throw a full blown fit (i know pouting isn't good either but compared to how she used to be....i'll take it any day!). Of course it's not perfect but it's lightyears better than I thought it'd be by now. We praise the Lord for giving us such a treasure! Happy 4 months Halle!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Just modeling

Lately we've just been so pleased with how Halle has felt more comfortable and her use of self-control. She used to throw fits whenever she wanted something and we told her no. Today 3 times I could tell she was on the verge of a fit and instead she just got a grumpy face for a minute and seemed to work through it and then was fine. We're so thankful for the peace this returns to our home. You can probably ask my in laws who stayed with us over Christmas that it wasn't ultra peaceful then, but it's a night and day difference now. She used to get angry if I was busy and said "go ask daddy" but last night she said "okay mommy" and went and asked him and he helped her with whatever it was. no hesitation, no anger. wow. we were pleasantly blown away! We are thankful for our little girl who loves the camera!